We seek world of hope and tolerance homeless peoples living in dignity & security
Providing the all facilities to the homeless people and break the cycle of poverty that prevents them from reaching their full potential
Religion to Responsibility
This organization founded by Mr. Rahul Patil who is inspired by freedom fighters Rajguru, Bhagatsingh, Sukhdev, Mangal Pandey & Ashfaqulla Khan.
Many peoples speak about World bank loans but they should not forget that there is one more loan which we have to repay to our Mother Land.
Those are the great peoples, freedom fighters who scarified & still scarifying their life to get freedom & to get protected from social enemies.
Peoples should not forget their responsibilities towards the society, towards the nation.
There are many states as well as many languages spoken in our country with different culture and I am graceful that I got the birth in such a great country call as BHARAT MATA but the truth is everyone thinks that religion is more important than humanity.
But I will not the forget my responsibilities towards the society and also I will not complaint against the peoples who have forgot their responsibilities and I am committed to take all responsibilities.
Come, Join us for the bright future of our nation.
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Our mission is to give life.

How We Work? How To Contact Us?
It's very simple to join us. Just fillup the form and be a volunteer as soon as your submit the form we will get back to you.

When you see any homeless people, try to speak with him / her. Immediately inform us. We will try to reach on the spot as soon as possible. You can be a volunteer by helping that peson.
Let’s build the better world together without starving children,Homeless peoples.
Support us... We need you.

Let's Discuss about Homeless Peoples

How they see world through thier eyes